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DzSoft Perl Editor

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DzSoft Perl Editor Empty DzSoft Perl Editor

Post  Admin Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:40 am

DzSoft Perl Editor Dzsoft10

Publisher's Description:
DzSoft Perl Editor - DzSoft Perl Editor is a tool for writing, editing, and debugging Perl/CGI scripts. It has a comfortable and intuitive interface both for beginners and advanced programmers. DzSoft Perl Editor is deceptively simple, but it is really a very powerful tool. Features Code Explorer, very comfortable editor with syntax highlighting, syntax check, easy debugging of command line and CGI scripts with breakpoints and variables watch, and many other things for easy and comfortable Perl development. With DzSoft Perl Editor you can run a script and see the result immediately in just one click (you dont even have to run a web server to test a CGI script in the browser)! The program can upload your script to FTP, export the source to HTML to publish on your web site, find errors in your script in a moment.
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Join date : 2007-12-17

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