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Free PHP Editor

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Free PHP Editor Empty Free PHP Editor

Post  Admin Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:42 pm

* Arisesoft Winsyntax 2.0 is a Freeware PHP editor for Windows.
* Edits and highlights HTML, DHTML, SHTML, CGI, Perl, PHP, Java, Javascript, C/C++ and other commands.
* The company has disappear, so no new versions will be available in the future, but it works very fine.
* The version of WinSyntax downloable at this site has been updated so that all commands for PHP 5.0 are highlighted.
* It has been used to develop most code at
[url=Download Winsyntax 2.0 (zip file; 400 K)][/url]

Posts : 60
Join date : 2007-12-17

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